Wednesday 5 September 2007

Slow hand clap...

Sigh, I am falling behind seriously here with my clap. I've only done 2.5 repeats of the straights so far, and yes, it's my first one. At least it's turning out big.

I'm enjoying it but my available knitting time on the clap has been limited these last few weeks, even though I've been doing it whilst on the phone to my mum, whilst drunk going home on the tube the other night (not a bad idea as I didn't spot the annoying knot in my Noro three-quarters of the way along the row, which I'd have got really irritated about and ripped back had I spotted it at the time, but now I just don't care and it's not that visible anyway). And now I am about to cease to clap for over a week as I'm going somewhere far too hot for shawl knitting.

So, progress will be suspended, much like London's transport network, for the immediate future... Back in a week and a bit!

1 comment:

Ginger Lucy said...

Incidentally, I also think I'm going to run out of yarn, eek! I have five balls and had budgeted one for each "end" and three for the straights, which means each straight ball needs to last just over four repeats. I don't think that's going to happen...